Our income is obtained from annual membership fees which we keep as low as possible.
The Executive Committee is seeking additional income to enable us to continue our policy of being as inclusive as possible, welcoming members from all areas of Bristol and subsidising venue costs. To this end we are exploring what grants are available.
Some members might wish to support the organisation by making a donation on top of their annual membership fee or making a bequest when writing their will.
If you feel that this is something you’d like to do, please contact the Treasurer
It would be helpful if you could quote your membership number and he will then give you the necessary bank details to help you arrange your donation.
Bristol u3a's registration with the Charity Commission (number 291783) describes our purpose as:
"The advancement of education and, in particular, that of older people and those who are retired from full time work, by all means including all associated activities conducive to learning and personal development in in Bristol and its surrounding locality."
Education can take many forms, and that’s why Bristol u3a supports a wide range of activities ranging from physical activities to academic subjects and social groups.
Riviera Travel
The Third Age Trust has a charitable partnership with Riviera Travel, which will donate 10% of the total basic cost of any holiday booked to a nominated local u3a. Information about the Riviera Travel Affinity Partnership, their terms and conditions, can be found on their website here.
How it works:
- Make a booking by contacting Riviera Travel directly and say that you want to claim an Affinity Partnership commission to Bristol u3a.
- At the end of the holiday, Riviera Travel will pay the commission to the Third Age Trust.
- After deducting a handling fee, the Trust will pass the commission to Bristol u3a.
Please Note :
- The commission payment is not payable on bookings made through a travel agent or a third party booking site.
- Donations from this scheme are paid solely to Bristol u3a as a charity, not to the individual who made the booking.
Bristol u3a is not endorsing Riviera Travel as a holiday provider.