Bristol u3a

Celebrating 40 years


Hot Topics Online

Status:Active, open to new members
When: Monthly on Friday afternoons 2:00 pm-3:30 pm
1st Friday of the month
Venue: Online

A lively discussion group in an informal atmosphere.

Come and discuss controversial topical issues online with a group who share a common interest in current affairs, political, social and environmental matters. Due to the nature of online meetings, one member acts as a facilitator/chair and makes sure that all opinions are heard. An email is sent about 7 - 10 days ahead of the meeting confirming the topic that will be discussed.

We normally agree next month's topic at the end of the meeting and members are encouraged to suggest relevant reading material for onward distribution to the group. We have discussed topics such as the Right to Protest; Planning Laws; Toxic Masculinity and Water Companies. Members are encouraged to suggest topics to the Convener.